Monday, May 2, 2011

The Best Batmobiles of All Time

The word "Batmobile" no superheroes or cartoon fan, and it is probably very different images are evoked in their minds. iconic Batmobile has unrecognizable over the years, but each version will have a dear place in your heart. Whether the vehicle was raised to know and love, you'll appreciate this fantastic creations:
The original Batmobile was featured in the Batman TV series in 1960. The chassis is based on the Lincoln Futura, and although the price is about $ 125,000 for the design and construction, it is worth $ 2 million was reported.
Best Batmobiles cars

Best Batmobiles cars

Best Batmobiles cars

Best Batmobiles cars

Best Feature -

Bat Ray
Bat smokescreen
Bat Phone
When Tim Burton's Batman and Batman Returns project is the creativity in this monster car. Based on the chassis of a Chevy Impala is a fully functional gas turbine driving. If only all new cars look like

Best Feature -

Bat bomb
2 Browning machine guns
Bat discs (Batarang)
This animal is from Batman Forever and custom carbon fiber construction. The engine is a Chevy 350, which naturally allows the car driving on the 300 kmh

Best Feature -

Jet Exhaust
Grappling hook
Can be ridden walls
This military vehicle called the Tumbler was adapted for use by Christian Bale in Batman Begins and Dark Knight movie. The film is clearly intended to bridge the military vehicle, but five liters GM engines, armor, and 44-inch tires make it perfect as the Batmobile.

Best Feature -

Rocket Launcher
Jet Propulsion "jumps disaster less"

BIO: Duncan is a big fan of the comic and author of the villa in Italy Society of Great Britain.

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