Friday, May 13, 2011

Jaguar will build the C-X75 hybrid supercar

Jaguar will build the C-X75 hybrid supercar
confirmed that a concept car C-X75 build, as the exclusive hybrid supercar. Not much information was released, but Jaguar is expected that this hybrid supercar deliver incredibly low CO2 emissions below 99g/km, while the state accelerate 0-60 mph in less than 3 seconds, until the maximum speed of 200 kmh.

Jaguar C-X75 hybrid
"People expect innovators Jaguar - Jaguar when it is at its best, " said Adrian Hallmark, executive director of Jaguar. C-X75 has an incredible reception as a concept car. We have followed this momentum and a clear business case for this exclusive model halo. No other vehicle that would better indicate Jaguar restoration of confidence and expertise in technological innovation than this. "

Jaguar C-X75 will be developed in partnership with Williams F1, which have technical expertise in areas such as aerodynamics, carbon composites and production of hybrid technology will deliver. This association will be at the top of the British automotive technology and innovation.

Super frame is made ​​of carbon fiber with an incredibly lightweight construction create serious.

Supersport path using state-of-the-art, low capacity, high-toned combustion engine with a powerful electric motor on each axle.

Only 250 examples will be built, each costing between £ 700,000 - £ 900,000, depending on the market and local taxes.

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