Monday, February 28, 2011

Roll compete with your standard Abarth!

Come by the road with his own car, attend a racing and go home the same way ... That is an interesting program! Abarth Switzerland in 2011 still holds the Abarth Trofeo Slalom on ten dates.

Are allowed to participate in the Abarth Trofeo Slalom all vehicles built or improved by Abarth. It will therefore Abarth Grande Punto Abarth 500 and current through models such as the Stilo Abarth Punto Abarth and 600 Abarth, to historic vehicles like the Ritmo Abarth A112 Abarth, 131 Abarth, Abarth 1000 TC / TCR or Abarth 595/695.

The rankings are made according to three classes:
Corsa Abarth changed, no road registration required, free choice of tires
Supersport: Abarth series also equipped with standard tires
Storico: Abarth history, no road registration required, free choice of tires

The schedule is spread over ten appointments, new to Switzerland and France on the Rhine Ring May 15, 2011.

By how much does it cost? Registration is free at the championship, the sport license shall pay (from 23 euros), as the cost of commitment to each event (about 200 euros). It is also necessary to stand in line with a helmet.

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